About Us

Agency for All is a project that leverages the strengths of its consortium partners to generate and apply evidence on the role of agency in effective social and behavior change programming to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Our Vision

We envision a world where women, men, children, families and communities have the agency to make healthy choices. 

Our Mission

To generate context-specific evidence on agency through locally-led equitable partnerships that is widely used to inform social and behavior change practice and investments, leading to increased understanding of how individual and collective agency influences health

Our Partners

The USAID Agency for All project is led by the Center on Gender Equity and Health (GEH) at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), which has assembled a diverse and highly experienced consortium of global, regional, and country leaders in both implementation and research. Partners share a dedication to advancing social and behavior change led by local priorities and voices.

Our Approach

Working across three work streams—Evidence Generation, Measurement, Monitoring and Adaptive Management, and Research Utilization—we develop constructs of agency that are culturally relevant, strengthen evidence on approaches that foster empowerment, and increase the agency of local partners to generate and use evidence.

Our Research

We increase understanding of how social and behavior change programs can foster agency and empowerment at individual, community, and system levels, leading to improved health and well-being in diverse contexts.